tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 25 15:59:11 1996

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RE: KLBC: nuq

jatlh HurghwI':

>  >>  chay' "should" jatlhlu'?
>  >nuq Daja' DaneH'a'?  rut mughlu'meH, <-nIS> jatlhlu'.  'ach rut jaS 
>  >wa' mu' neH yImughQo'!
>  "I should send thank-you-notes." vIngeHnISbe'.


>  qatlh rut <<jaS>> vIjatlh?
>  wa' mu' neH vImughbe', 'ach qech naQ ghajbe'law' tlhIngan Hol.

Okay, I'll explain in English.  I'm not going to tell you "this is how you 
translate the word 'should' into Klingon."  How you translate it will depend 
on the situation and context.  (I didn't put the word {jaS} in brackets for a 
reason: it wasn't a quote, it meant "Sometimes someone will say it 

There isn't always a one-for-one correspondence between how you say something 
in Klingon and how you say it in English.  Communicate, don't just translate.

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96903.4

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