tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 21 16:38:58 1996

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RE: tlhIngan pongwIj

jatlh loDDoq:

>  1.bIjwI' =
>    I didnt find it in TKD.becouse of the wI' I guess
>    u refering to someone who does something.punisher?
>    I think u can say HupwI'(I'm not sure).

{bIj} and {Hup} both mean "punish."  {bIj} is found in the Addendum of TKD.  
{-wI"} is a verb suffix which means "thing which does/is" or "one who 
does/is," so {bIjwI'} and {HupwI'} mean "one who punishes," or "punisher."

>  1.1 luparHa' ?Ha' is let's go. what is lupar?

Forgetting the original sentence for a moment (which used the wrong prefix, as 
I remember), look up {par} in the dictionary.  "Dislike."  Below it, you see 
{parHa'} "like."  {-Ha'} is a verb suffix which means "undo."  It makes the 
word mean the exact opposite of the verb without {-Ha'}, or that the action is 
done incorrectly somehow.

{luparHa'} is just {parHa'} with the verb prefix (see TKD section 4.1) {lu-} 
added.  Thus, the word means "They like him/her/it."

>  2.Qapla' =succes.Its like goodbye in English.

{Qapla'} does NOT means "goodbye"!  It's a commonly uttered sendoff,  which 
can be used to indicate honor or respect (TKW), or is used as a salute when 
warriors go off to battle.  Okrand explicitly says "it does not mean the same 
thing as 'goodbye'." (KCD)

Beginners' Grammarian
Stardate 96892.5

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