tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 19 10:58:08 1996

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Re: KLBC: Quotes

In message <[email protected]> [email protected] writes:
>  It's like the difference between "my killer" and "the me-killer".
> 	muHoHwI'	"me-killer"
> 	HoHwI'wI'	"my killer"
> The first one emphasizes the individual, the second the action.  
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this (even with the
help of the other examples I snipped). To me the difference is
that a <verb>wI'wI' can be somenone who verbs _for_ me. Of course
this can only happen with transitive verbs. QongwI'wI' can only
do it _for_ me (whatever that means), right? Can't be someone
who sleeps me... Thus _if_ muHoHwI' is a legal word, it is more
precise than HoHwI'wI'

(as for the individual vs. action: to me, muHoH and HoH are
different actions, in that I take the prefix of HoH to be of
the 'no object' type, i.e. a HoHwI' is someone who kills in
general, while a muHoHwI' would be just someone who kills _me_,
not necessarily other people)


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