tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 13 16:36:12 1996

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A new game: wa' cha' wa'maH!

I noted before that I'm going to be teaching a Klingon
Language and Culture class at my daughter's school.  One
thing we put together (and seems to work well when my
daughter and I playtested it) is a simple counting game
which I'm calling 1-2-10 or "wa' cha' wa'maH".   Think
of it as a Klingon tic-tac-toe.

    SuvwI' mI' Quj / Warrior's Number Game

It is just a "Nim" game, where the opponents take turns
adding 1 or 2 to a total - with the victory going to
the person making the total equal to 10.  It is played
by each person in turn saying first their choice (wa' or
cha') then the total.

To facilitate it I've made a chart/playing board, with
a three by ten chart.  Each row has a  cell with marks (the Klingon tristella)
equal to the number (1, 2, 3...), a blank cell,
and the tlhIngan word (wa', cha',....).  Players point to 
the blank cell on the current total, say their move, then
point to the new total and say the word.

A very simple game, not much strategy, but this serves to let the
players use number words meaningfully, interact with one
another and gain a mastery of one small segment of  tlhIngan
vocabulary. I figure if someone can count from 1 to 10 
in tlhIngan, and do it with *STYLE* they have gone a 
long way towards convincing the world they ARE a Klingon!

I may put a gif of the playing board up on my AOL web page
if anyone is interested.....

 joel anderson * [email protected] * [email protected]
 mIghghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ; roj yInej 'ej Dochvam yItlha'
 ----------------------------------------------------------  [email protected]
   GALACTIC LANGUAGES: [email protected]

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