tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 13 14:21:55 1996

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"ak´la bella do" - sort of..


I haven´t written for a while... the moment I´m one of the people translating the Omnipedia 
into German, a fiendish amount of work.

I´m working on the letter A, and hit a small and a big snag:

1. Do I remember correctly, and the Rite of Inclusion is carried 
out somewhere around the age of 13, and is called peHtay? (yes, I have 
the KD). As opposed to the nentay (Rite of Ascension), carried out later?

2. This one´s hard:
In DS9, Jadzia Dax teaches the Klingon who runs the restaurant there a 
Klingon folk song transcribed very messily as "ak´la´ bella do". I´d 
like to put a remark in the translation with a possible tlhIngan Hol 
transcription - anything phonetically close would do.

My try: 
´aQ la´ bel´a´ Do
= velocity, the great pleasure of commander ´aQ.

I think my attempt sucks ;-) . There is no verb in this sentence 
(or could I rationalize clipped Klingon here?), and I believe 
commander ´aQ would be "la´  ´aQ", not the other way round.

Fortunately, my German is a lot better than that ;-)



P.S. I´m trying to influence the guys producing the translation 
to stick to thlIngan Hol and the KD etc. when translating the 
Klingon articles in the Omnipedia. Did anybody notice bloopers in the 
English version? I already put in a remark on the betleH, batlh´etlh, 
batelh etc etc discussion, so that´s already covered :-)

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