tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 11 06:16:08 1996

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Re: Age, Blood, ...

At 12:59 AM 11/11/96 -0800, you wrote:
>I was wondering the following thing:
>- How old can klingons be
>- What kind of blood type do they have
>- Are there any cities on Qo'noS
>- What more is there in the klingon sector
>Perhaps there is a site (or book or whatever) where I can find this

I can't think of a specific place where you'de find all this info, but you
might try the Star Trek Encyclopedia. Here's what I've picked up from
various sources:

How old?....Quite old, like 200 years, maybe? Longer than humans, shorter
than             Vulcans.
Blood?......If you've seen STVI, their blood is very thick and more purple
than             terran blood.
Cities?.....The only one I can think of is Kling.
Empire?.....There are supposedly a lot of planets and systems within the
Empire,             but I think the main ones mentioned include Kronos
(Qo'noS), Rura             Penthe, Khitomer, and Praxis, that I can remember. 
BTW, does anybody know how the Klingons saved Qo'noS from destruction after
Praxis blew up?

-Adrian K (aka HurghwI')
       Stardate 96862.6
             ( o o )
|--------oOOo--( )--oOOo----------| "tlhutlhmeH HIq ngeb qaq
|            HurghwI'             |  law' bIQ qaq puS."
|  |       -Klingon Proverb
|[email protected]________|     

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