tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 08 12:38:48 1996

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Re: How's this?

>*{wa'DIch, mu'meywIj Dayaj'a'?}
>You can't use {wa'DIch} in this manner.  It is only used to number things.  It
>must follow a noun, and then means gives that noun an ordinal value.  {Duj
>wa'DIch} is "the first ship."  Again, this sort of thing is not very relevant
>to the sentence as a whole, and I doubt Klingons would be interested in saying

There's one example from Okrand which puts {wa'DIch} at the front of
the sentence.  I don't have my Skybox list handy, but I remember it as
starting {wa'DIch tlhIngan Duj leghlu'bogh...}, and its translation is
given as "...the first Klingon ships encountered."  I think having the
{wa'DIch} first is just a mistake, but some see this usage as perhaps
legitimizing the adverbial use of ordinal numbers.  Of course, in that
case the card's English translation wouldn't match the Klingon well.

>"Because I am a starter [beginner] . . ."  We tend to use the word {taghwI'}
>"one who starts" for this word.  A {chu'wI'} is someone who is new.  I don't
>suppose you just came out of the box, did you?  :)

The net.term "newbie" is likely an appropirate match for {chu'wI'} in
this context. :)

-- ghunchu'wI'

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