tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 03 17:07:45 1996

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RE: KLBC -vaD suffix

jatlh Tremal-Naik:

>  maj! che'vam vIyajpu'... 

wot 'oH <che'>'e'.  DIp 'oH <chut>'e'.  'ach chut 'oHbe'.  jIchup neH.

{che'} "rule, reigh, run" is a verb.  {chut} "law" is a noun.  But it's not a 
law.  I'm merely suggesting.

<--pu> Dalo'chugh vaj chut Dayaj 'ej DaH chut Dayaj 'e' Damev.  <-pu'> Dateq 
chaq DaneH.

If you use {-pu}, then you understood the law, and now you stopped 
understanding the law.  Maybe you want to remove the {-pu'}.  (If you use 
{-pu}, then the action is *completed*.  Remember, Klingon does not use tense; 
it uses aspect.

>  *list*vamvaD jIghItlh vIneH 'ach dochmey vIjatlhjaj 'e' vISovbe'
>                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>                                   I mean "I don't know what to say".
>                                   I've got a doubt with "what" and 
>                      		      I translate it with "things".

It's a situation which occurs a lot in English-to-Klingon translation: you 
cannot use question words in statements as English does.  Often, it's a good 
idea to find a substitute word, or to actually recast the sentence into a 
question.  I'll do the latter here:

{*list*vam jIghItlh vIneH 'ach nuq vIjatlh?}
"I want to write to the list, but what do I say?"

If you want to make it sound more final, you could always add another 
sentence: {jISovbe'} "I don't know."

How you choose to recast the sentence is different for every case.

Stardate 96843.2

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