tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 01 15:48:39 1996

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RE: KLBC - Trick or Treat

jatlh *Adam* tIn:

>  jIb  hair on the head
>  HoH  kill/killing
>  qa-    I
>  how do I write "I am" and "you are"

Well, actually it's not as simple as all that.  Klingon doesn't have the verb 
"to be."  Instead, you indicate this sort of thing with a pronoun.  But you 
also have to state *what* you are.  So, for example, I can say

I am a Klingon.
tlhIngan jIH.

{jIH} is the pronoun which means "I," and I just put it after that which I am. 
 If I want to say "You are a Terran (Earthling)," I just say

tera'ngan SoH.
You are a Terran.

The same thing can be done with most of the other pronouns listed on page 51 
of The Klingon Dictionary (although not {'e'} and {net}, which are special 
grammatical tools described in section 6.2.5).

All of the rules for this are in TKD section 6.3.  If you need any help with 
this (or any other question), let me know!

Stardate 96837.6

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