tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 20 16:14:39 1996

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Re: KLBC: poHmey

'etlhqengwI' writes:
>> {poH} doesn't refer to "what time it is".  It refers to a "period of time".
>> The closest we have to "the time of day" is {rep} "hour".
>I'm not sure I understand this limitation on meaning.  TKD, on page
>157 associates <poH> with time as a verb, as well as the simple noun
>form "time" and the form "period of time".  The English-Klingon
>pages do not seem to place it with words like period or duration by
>themselves, but *do* place it with the simple word "time"

It's might be open to interpretation, but I believe that the way
the words are given in the English-Klingon side of TKD, the word
one is likely to be thinking of is given first, followed by the
true meaning of the Klingon term.  Look at the Klingon-English
side of TKD: {poH} is simply "period of time", and {qIj} is given
as "be black".  The "black, be black" in the E-K word list is so
that someone trying to say "black" will find it; I think that also
applies to "time, period of time" and other entries such as {vIH}
"move, be in motion".

>> [And it uses that "verb-suffix-indicates-indirect-object" construction
>> that I find so distasteful, but that's my problem, not yours.]
>I'm not at all sure I understand this.  I am using no verb suffix
>that I know of.

HIvqa' veqlargh.  I meant prefix, not suffix.

>The verb in this sentence is <ja'> with the
>imperitive *prefix* <HI> (you-me).  The construction is a command
>intended to transalte as "tell me (the) time!"  Am I missing
>something subtle?

No, you translated it correctly (according to the examples we have).

>Even if <rep> *is* required, wouldn't <rep HIja'> make sense?  ("tell
>me (the) hour!")

Yes, it makes sense (according to the examples we have).
[It's just that I'd rather it be stated {jIHvaD rep yIja'} or simply
{rep yIja'}.  The real object of "tell" here is "the hour"; "me" is
the beneficiary of the action, not its object.  But as I said before,
that's not your problem.]

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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