tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 19 11:55:46 1996

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Interview w/Okrand prt @

Question:       Hi Marc. What other languages do you spea ? 
MarcOkrand:     Well, the only language I'll fess up to is English.  As a 
linguist, one studies about language as a phenomenon.  To do that, you 
study about a lot of language, but don't necessarily learn to speak them. 
For whatever reason, a lot of the language I've studied about are dead - 
so I never learned to speak them.  I did study a number of languages in 
high school and college, of course, but never became really fluent in any 
of them. 
Comment:        I thought that the Conversational Klingon tape was a riot. 
 I almost drove off the road laughing so hard. 
Question:       What kind of jobs do linguists do--when they're not making 
up languages? 
OnlineHost:     This will be the last question for tonight. 
MarcOkrand:     Most of the people I went to graduate school with (who are 
still doing linguistics) are teaching at the college level.  But others 
have gone into computer programming, and others are working with immigrant 
groups or with Native American groups trying to retain their languages.  
Interestingly, one person I know has a degree in linguistics and is no 
programming a computer to understand Klingon!  (And I'm not talking about 
myself!)  Odd, huh? 
OnlineHost:     Thanks to everyone for attending. We apologize for not 
getting to all of the questions. 
MarcOkrand:     Thanks to everyone for coming by.  I had a great time here 
and I hope I was able to answer your questions in a way you found helpful. 
 * OFFLINE 1.58 

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