tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 19 09:28:06 1996

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Re: KLBC: poHmey

On Fri, 16 Feb 1996, Mark E. Shoulson wrote:

> >ter'eS asks:
> >>How does one tell time in Klingon?
> >>Also, how do you say "What time is it?" and what is the form of the answer?
> >I'd ask {nuq 'oH rep'e'?}  The answer would probably be merely the time.
> I've been known to use "rep 'ar?" elliptically like that, though without
> much support.  Seems pretty reasonable though.  What do you think?

Since {'ar} is an adjective, and adjectives can be used as verbs, could you
turn it around and say {'ar rep} "How many hours are there?"  You could also
use this form to say things like {pa' 'ar Duj} "How many ships are (over) 

Responding to charghwI', I can see how Klingons wouldn't engage in the
pleasantries we Humans do, but I can also see situations when even a 
Klingon simply has to ask someone else for information.  What would the
captain on the bridge of a Bird-of-Prey do if he had to know the time?  
Get up and walk to a chronometer like a menial?  Have someone rip the 
chronometer out of the control panel and carry it to him?  Or just order 
an underling to tell him the time?

 > >-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj
> ~mark
-- ter'eS

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