tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 15 19:00:29 1996

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Re: KLBC: poHmey

ter'eS asks:
>How does one tell time in Klingon?

One uses a 24-hour day with 60 minutes per hour, exactly like common
Terran military time.  Beyond that, I'm not certain.  I'm afraid that
I must ask someone else to explain it fully.

>I know that one of the tapes has some
>examples, but they just confused me.  The tape has (as I recall) {javvatlh
>rep} for "six a.m.", but also has {vagh rep} for "5 a.m.".  It also has
>{cha'maH wa'vatlh rep} for "21:00 hours" (Ithink they had it wrong on the
>tape and called it "noon"); and also {pagh rep} for "midnight".

Sometimes it's best to ignore the examples and focus on the rules.  The
obvious "2100 hours = noon" error is justification for this.  The rules
as I understand them are just like military time: midnight is zero hours,
six am is six hundred hours, noon is twelve hundred hours, and six pm is
eighteen hundred hours.  Teatime is sixteen hundred thirty hours.

> But how
>do you indicate minutes, for example, 21:34, or especially 00:05?

I expect one would say {cha'maH wa'vatlh wejmaH loS rep} and
{paghvatlh vagh rep}.

>Also, how do you say "What time is it?" and what is the form of the answer?

I'd ask {nuq 'oH rep'e'?}  The answer would probably be merely the time.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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