tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 07 09:35:37 1996

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Re: KLBC - subordinate clauses

According to Alan Anderson:
> K'Daq writes:
> > In addition, I've been trying to say, " I don't want to die alone."
> In order to translate "I don't want to die alone", we can restate it as:
> I don't want that I die while I am alone. {jImobtaHvIS jIHegh 'e' vIneHbe'}.
> (This doesn't carry with it any particular dread of dying; if you wanted to
> mean something like "I'm afraid to die alone", the verb suffix {-vIp} might
> come in handy.)
> -- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

This was a good post and a good response from the BG. I offer
only another casting:

nIteb jIHegh vIneHbe'.

This is acceptable only because of the special relationship
between the verb {mob} and the adverbial {nIteb} such that
{jImobtaHvIS jIHegh} means pretty much the same thing as {nIteb
jIHegh}, and ghunchu'wI' made a little error relating to the
special nature of the verb {neH}. Most verbs used this way
require the pronoun {'e'} to represent the first sentence as
the object of the second sentence. Verbs of speech and {neH} do
not require (and probably don't really tolerate) the pronoun
{'e'}. The corrected version of ghunchu'wI''s message is:

jImobtaHvIS jIHegh vIneHbe'.


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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