tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 18 11:41:18 1996

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re: Klingon CD-ROM,CK & PK- looking for input

Syndee Branton writes:([email protected])   
 > I would like to get other people's opinions and perspectives on the
 > Conversational and Power Klingon tapes and possible the cd. Are they
 > good learning tools? 

This is like the beginner astronomer question, "What telescope should I
buy" (Answer: none. start with binoculars).

I REALLY like the CD, but think it is not for everyone.  IMHO, the best
starter kit would be

	TKD (The dictionary) and the CK And PK tapes.

With TKD as a reference CK, then PK give a good background to Klingon and
how to use it. 


TKD: Required reading for anyone who wants to know tlhIngan Hol.  Also
	(I think) the cheapest thing on the list.

Klingon Way audiotape:
	  Great standalone tape which uses BOTH Michael Dorn and Roxann
	Dawson to present content from The Klingon Way.  Nice gift for any
	Trekker, and (IMHO) does not require the Dictionary or _The
	Klingon Way_ book.

CK:  Terrific starter to the language.  Nice gift to someone who wants
	a taste of Klingon.  Doesn't require the dictionary.

PK:  Good follow on to CK (I can't imagine wanting or using it if you
	hadn't heard CK).  I'd also say someone serious enough to
	listen to this would want the Dictionary for sure.
The Klingon Way:
	  Good for non-Klingonist - someone who wants to know about Klingons,
    and see the language, but not necessarily read or use the language.
    If you want to USE the language this is fun, but not the place to

STK:CD GREAT Concept!  Neat technology.  I'd like to use it for teaching
	Klingon in a classroom setting.  It won't teach (much) grammar,
	but has great vocabulary and pronounciation tools.  I'd say that
	game-wise, it is weak, almost lame.  Since I'm not much of a gamer
	I didn't miss it.  The downside is this requires a fairly potent 
	computer -  my 66 mhz 486 could handle it... but just barely.

   joel anderson * [email protected] * [email protected]
 mIghghachvo' yImej 'ej yIQaQ; roj yInej 'ej Dochvam yItlha' * [email protected]

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