tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Dec 14 18:44:20 1996

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baH! (was RE: Old Translations)

:December 14, 1996 3:11 PM, jatlh Perry Brulotte:
:> K:  DoSvetlh yIbaH!
:> E:  Fire on that target!
:I don't know if {baH} can take an object.  You used {-Daq} with other {baH} 
:sentences.  Why not continue:
:	DoSvetlhDaq yIbaH!

In fact, baH "fire (torpedo, rocket, missile)" actually implies an object
(usually torpedoes) when not explicitly stated:
	baHchu'  (TKD)
	 He fired (the torpedo) perfectly.
	yIbaH  (TKD)
	 Fire (the torpedoes)!
	qara'DI' cha yIbaH = cha yIbaH qara'DI'  (TKD)
	 Fire the torpedoes at my command.
	Qo'noS wa'Daq baHta' ...  (ST6)
	 "[Enterprise] fired on Kronos One ..."

Another word you can use is bach (which also takes an object), when you
don't want to imply firing some sort of propelled rocket:
	pe'vIl mu'qaDmey tIbach  (TKW)
	 Curse well! (lit. "Shoot curses forcefully.")

Hmmm... I wonder how one says "Fire phasers/disruptors!" Since they're
energy weapons, are they activated (chu'), energized (laQ), shot (bach) or
fired (baH)?

:Beginners' Grammarian


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