tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 09 09:15:18 1996

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Re: KLBC: latlh vImugh


>Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 16:36:23 -0800
>From: "David Trimboli" <[email protected]>
>December 08, 1996 5:46 PM, jatlh HurghwI':
>You've got the wrong pronoun before the {mev} verb.  Actually, {mev} is one of 
>those verbs which can be used transitively without {-moH} (e.g. {bIjatlh 'e' 
>yImev}).  You don't need to worry about using the {-moH} suffix.  (Of course, 
>it may not be wrong, either.  PK says that you can make your pet stop by 
>saying {mev!}.  This certainly seems to be intransitive.)

No more than "peSop!" is.  "Stop! (what you're doing)", the object is
elliptical.  Or if you prefer, it's even explicit: "Stop it!"

>I'm also not happy with the use of {wovmoHwI'} for "light."  It literally 
>means "thing which causes (something) to be bright."  I'd accept (grudgingly) 
>{wovwI'} for "light."

It's likely something else, though.  Like Degh even maybe.  The
light-making property isn't important here: it's just some token that will
turn colors.

>> yIghoS, jupwI'! SoHvaD HIq vIje', 'ej majawlaH.
>> "Come, my friend! I will buy you a drink, and we can talk."
>Almost perfect!  {-laH} indicates that one is *able* to do something.  Unless 
>you've got a very strange set of circumstances, the person is always able to 
>chat, so you don't need the {-laH}.

Not really; sometimes you're too busy to chat.  You're not lacking
permission, but ARE actually unable to chat.  Perhaps not physcally gagged,
but still unable (as opposed to forbidden).

>SoHvaD HIq vIje', 'ej majaw.
>I will buy you a drink, and we will talk.

However, I agree that this is better anyway.


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