tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 03 14:00:26 1996

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Rules... Transitive vs Intransitive Formerly story, part 2

Okay.... I agree that there HAS to be grammar rules or no one would know
what each other is saying. I have no problem with that. I speak english and
until recently didn't even know what a transitive or intransitive verb even
was. I have been able to get my point across without this knowledge
(correctly or incorrectly).

I have looked all over the TKD and have not found anything about the
difference in verbs usage.  Yes I did read the FAQ and now know the
difference but have to admit none of the verbs in the TKD are noted either way.

Not being a grammarian maybe I'm missing the point, but are we using too
many rules that don't or shouldn't be there. Are we using English rules.
Does it even make a difference. No I'm not being a smarta**. I am serious
when I say that I didn't see it in the TKD and don't see the problem. Can't
a verb be used either way if the context is clear enough to justify it.

If Okrand has said otherwise okay ( bummer  :(  big sigh ), I'll go along
with it and try to learn the difference, but if not does it realy matter.


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