tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 02 13:05:09 1996

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RE: story, part 2

ja'ta' Deborah Kay:
> "yI'IQQo'.  rInpa' leng, DujlIj DachoH DaneH'a'?" jang velqa.

jang'a' velqa?  tlhobqu'law'taH. :-)

ja' SuStel:
>Hmmm??  I'm not sure I understand.  If you've talking about changing
>something, you need {-moH}: {DujlIj DachoHmoH} would be "you cause your 
>instincts to change," or "you change your instincts."

Don't worry, Deborah, *I* understood exactly what you meant, even
before I read the translation you provided. :-)  It's sometimes hard 
for someone to concentrate on both the grammar and vocabulary at the 
same time; trying to catch absolutely *everything* was one of the
biggest problems I had when I was the BG.

SuStel is right; Klingon speaks not of changing things, but of causing
things to change.  The verb {choH} means "*become* different", not
"*make* different".  But in this case, I think a more appropriate word
would be {tam} "substitute, exchange".  You're not talking about 
altering a single ship; you're talking about choosing a different one.

{rInpa' leng, DujlIj Datam DaneH'a'?}

I think this is a fine idiom.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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