tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 25 09:57:25 1996

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KLBC: Some simple sentences

In DS9, "Way of the Warrior", Worf says "I no longer need it", could this 
be translated as {'oH vIghajnISbe'taH} with some type 6 suffixes perhaps.

Restaurant :

1. qa'vIn SaH'a' ?             Is there coffee ?
2. HIja' 'a chIch 'oH bIr      Yes, but it is cold.
1. 'oH bIr qatlh               Why is it cold ?
2. HoS'a' poQ tujwI'qoq        The excuse of a heater requires much power
   'ej                         and that power is certainly usefull for the
   bIreQtaH tujwI'vaD lI'bequ' bregit lung heater

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