tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 20 10:03:13 1996

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RE: Qo'noS Hovtay'

If you were to believe the Star Trek universe map in the Technical Journal
(which seems pretty close to the one they've displayed in TNG) Qo'noS is pretty
much in the direction of Orion, which is pretty cool.  But the way I see it, it
would probably be closer to the constelation Vela, a little closer to the
center of the galactic plane (since ST seems to think in 2 dimensions.)  Also,
it would be about 14,000 ly away.

Thanks for the information, though.  Is there a way I could get a copy of the
official registration certificate?

|          Lt.Cmdr. Kordite vestai-Tasighor            |
|       Executive Officer, IKV Dark Justice, KAG       |
|          choSuvchugh 'oy'lIj Daghur neH.             |

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