tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 18 12:37:21 1996

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-lu' with explicit objects

This has undoubtedly come up before, but I can't remember the

If a verb has an indefinite subject but a definite object, to be
named explicitly as a noun rather than absorbed as the pronoun implied
by the prefix, where does the noun go?  Does it precede the verb, as an
object, or follow it, as the subject (matching the prefix change
brought on by {-lu'})?

My personal interpretation, made without referencing TKD since my copy
is at home and I'm at work, is that it should match the verbal
prefix and occupy the subject position.  So, if Kruge had wanted to
emphasize "you" in "You will be remembered with honor", it would be

	batlh Daqawlu'taH SoH

and not

	batlh SoH Daqawlu'taH



Mark J. Reed                     |   
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