tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 16 10:50:28 1996

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Re: words from The Klingon Way

>Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 08:24:02 -0700
>From: [email protected] (Soqra'tIS)

>nughItlhta' charghwI'  maSqa' je:

>>According to Donovan Maxfield:
>>> -- [ From: Donovan Maxfield * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
>>> Here is a list of the words I have found so far:
>>> Heghbat       ritual suicide (n) 147
>>Hmmm. He had already given us {Heghba'} with that same meaning
>>in the novel "Sarek" by A.C. Crispin, who SAID she got her
>>words from Okrand.

>perhaps it is GENDER specific as is BAR mitzva and BAT mitzva ???
>~mark, comments????

I wouldn't think so.  Klingon is pretty non-gender-specific for the most
part, except for the two wordsfor "marry" (which likely reflects that
marriage is a different thing when viewded from each side in Klingon
culture.  cf. Esperanto, where, for different reasons, the verb for what is
in Klingon "nay" literally means "to become a wife" and the word for "Saw"
means "to become a husband.  There is also "to become husband and wife" for
the collective term.)  The Hebrew "bar" and "bat" mean "son" and
"daughter" (bar is actually more an Aramaic term).  The idiom is
"son/daughter of commandment" which idiomatically means "man/woman who is
responsible for what is commanded of him/her."

My money is on a typo for this one.  After all "bat" and "ba'" sound a lot


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