tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 16 06:57:27 1996

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Re: KLBC: It's been so long...!

According to [email protected]:
> In that ghunchu'wI' has already answered, I will now jump in:
> That which does not kill makes me stronger =
> muHoSchoH muHoHbe'bogh Doch/vay'
> peHruS
I see this as a strange paradox. As I've already pointed out,
the rings of Saturn satisfy the phrase {muHoHbe'bogh
Doch/vay'}, so basically since you are still alive, everything
in the universe can be the subject of the verb {muHoSchoH},
which apparently has an object, even though it means "be
strong", which doesn't sound very transitive to me. I also have
a problem with the {-choH} since it implies a change, as in
something BEGINS to be strong, but if everything in the
universe is constantly causing this to happen, it seems like we
should cross that threshold into the state of being strong so
that you can no longer claim to BEGIN to be strong any more,
since the beginning has already happened.

Nice try, anyway.


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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