tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 15 19:46:19 1996

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Re: The Life of a Klingon

According to [email protected]:
> Since tlhInganpu' are carniverous and do not farm, why do the words {wij} and
> {Du'} exist?  I claim that tlhInganpu' do eat {naHmey}.
> In a society where warriors are honored, are there no other positions which
> non-warriors work?  In Japan there were farmers and merchants besides
> samurai.  Qo'noSDaq Suypu' law' tu'lu'!!!

My suspicion is that there are many non-warriors on Qo'noS and
other Klingon planets, but THEY don't ever LEAVE the planet, so
nobody ever sees them, and anyone who GOES to a Klingon planet
never sees them because the warriors tend to be careful about
who they let visitors see (hence the examples on the two

> peHruS


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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