tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Apr 13 10:45:39 1996

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Re: "Qo'noS ta'puq, Hamlet lotlut. lut 'ay' wa', lut 'ay'Hom

At 09:56 8-04-96 -0700, you wrote:

>>DaHjaj pawpu' paqna' chovnatlhwIj 'e' vIparHa'qu'.
>paqwIj je vIHevpu' 'ej jIQuch jIH je.  rap qechwIj 'ach puj pabvam.

I was already afraid I might have written that much Klingon all in one go
completely without errors... ;-)

>By using the verb suffix {-pu'} on the verb {paw}, you imply that the
>book had already arrived when "today" occured.

No, I implied that the book arrived "today" (the day that I wrote that
sentence, not today of course ;-)) and that the actual moment of arrival had
already occurred earlier. What's wrong with using -pu' in that case...?

>Its arrival appears to
>be complete at the time the events in the rest of the sentence occur.

Correct. I got the book somewhere during the morning and I wrote that
message late afternoon, after doing all kinds of other things. So the book
actually "had arrived today", as far as I can tell. Right?

>>chuq lengpu'bogh bobuSchugh nI'Ha'law' lengpoH:
>>*America*vo' *Netherlands*Daq lengpu' paqna' 'ej
>>loSHu' neH chovnatlhwIj ngeHta' 'angghal!
>lengmeH loS jaj neH poQ'a'?  chaq qIgh lo'.

chaq, De'vetlh vISovbe'.

>>mI' cha'vatlh cha'maH wej ngaS chovnatlhwIj.
>>DaH ngoD Daj vISovqang: nuq mI' ngaS chovnatlhra'?
>chovnatlhwIjDaq mI' wa'vatlh cha'maH cha' ghItlhlu'.
>The translation of "what number" troubles me.  I can't quite convince
>myself that {nuq mI'} is the right way to say it, but I also can't come
>up with a better way to express it.

Seng rap vIghajpu'...
I didn't know anything better.


          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
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     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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