tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 08 22:18:46 1996

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Re: Phonology

macheq writes:
>Reading TKD I have found that the phonology section is very small.
>And because of that form time to time the names you transcribe into
>tlhIngan Hol break some basic phonological rules of the language.

Not just the names "we" come up with!  Paramount has a distinguished
history of violating the "rules" with Klingon names -- starting with
Worf!  Place names are also apparently a bit flexible.  We've heard
of the "Kri'stat" volcano, and the river "Skral".

>Maybe all this is known to you, but not observed.

Yes, this is "old" news to some of us.  There are probably enough new
members on the list (who haven't obtained the appropriate back issues
of the KLI's journal, HolQeD) for it to be worth restating, though.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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