tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 30 15:11:10 1995

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Review of translations

I recently read on alt.startrek.klingon that someone 
is hoping to collect all the translated stories of 
the fictional character Sherlock Holmes and they  
want to have some of the stories in tlhinga Hol. 
This is a noble a flattering effort but it caused me to  
think about how such works can be critiqued.  
I recently submitted an original work to several talented 
"Klingonists" for review. All but one, the honorable Nick 
Nicolas, was able/willing to put forth the effort. 
This tells me that there are probably far too few talented 
Klingonist out there to review all the works we would  
like to have published. (THis also assumes that  
there are enough completed works ready for review.) 
Let's just assume for a moment that there are  
10 translated/original tlhIngan Hol works ready to  
get reviewed. Can we do it?  
The notorius delays of "Hamlet" indicate that we have  
fairly limited resorces to take on such a task. I hope  
I am wrong.  
I would like to get some feedback, in this forum, indicating 
that there *is* a way to effectivly review submitted works 
for publication. 
Can we /Should we submit them to this list for review? 
DaH jIjatlh 'e' vImev.. 
 * OFFLINE 1.58 * Zen Monk to Hot Dog vender: "Make me one with everything." 

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