tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 23 13:32:17 1995

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qeylIS betleH

     The Deep Space 9 episode "Sword of Kahless" has a number of references
to Klingon history and culture.  Mentioned are Kor's attack on Romulus,
Kor's defense of the Karma Pass, the Torch of ghaboq, and the armor of
Seybagh.  The Sword is alleged to have been stolen by the Hurq.  Hurq is
stated to mean "outsider."  [KLD has Hur = outside]  Can a noun be formed
from an adverb in tlhIngan Hol?   Here at least is one example.
     Dax and Kor bid each other maj ram.  [KLD has maj = good (excl)]
Apparently a noun be added following an exclamation (interjection).
     Dax says the sword is around 1400 years old, and Kor says that was the
time of Kahless.  This differs from what Rick Young said earlier: "Kahless
died 1,547 years earlier (A.D. 822)."  I wasn't sure what this was earlier
than but it seems to calculated from 2371 AD.  Rick, where did you get the figure?
     The Hurq invaded the Homeworld over a thousand years ago and the Sword
has been missing since then.
     Kor mentions a "Hall of Heroes."  [KLD has vaS = hall]  There seems,
strangely, to be no word in KLD for "hero."  Any suggestions?
     He also mentions the Serpent of Zahl.  Again we have a "Z."  Could the
original be Sal or Sol?
     Right of Vengeance is mentioned.  Was the tlhIngan term used in the
original episode?   I remember it not.  Can anyone give me the name of the episode?
     Worf mentions the Caves of Nomat.

     How do you think these various terms should be spelled: qarma, qarma',
Seybagh, Seybaq, ghaboq, ghabaq, Hurq, Hur'eq, maj ram, majram, nomat,
no'mat, and what about Zahl?   Does anyone have any ideas about their genesis?


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