tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 17 00:22:32 1995

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Re: Q

> > > I had toyed with using the first noun that appears in TKD under each
> > > Klingon letter.
> > 
> > The first noun isn't always the best.
> Here is an informal sort of military jargon-ish idea:
> a: 'aj (admiral)        b: beH (rifle)      ch: cha (torpedoes)   
> D: DaS (boot)        e: 'etlh (sword)   gh: ghe''or (netherworld)
> H: HIp (uniform)   I: 'Iw (blood)       j: juHqo' (homeworld)
> l: la' (commander)  m: mang (soldier)  n: nIch (ammunition)
> ng: ngaq (support, mil. term)            o: 'otlh (photon)
> p: pu' (phaser)       q: qeq (drill)       Q: QI' (military)
> r: raQ (camp)         S: Sa' (general)     t: taj (knife)
> tlh: tlhab (freedom) u: 'utlh (officer)  v: vaj (warrior)
> w: waw' (base)       y: yoD (shield)    ': 'u' (universe)
my own list uses verbs rather than nouns:

"a" 'av (guards)	"e" 'el (enters)	"u" 'ut (is essential)
"I" 'Ip (swears)	"o" 'ov (competes)

"w" wam (hunts)		"y" yoH (is brave)	"l" lI' (is useful)

"H" HoH (kills)		"gh" ghoch (tracks down)
"S" Sep (breeds)	"v" vang (acts)

"r" rotlh (is tough)

"ng" ngotlh (is functional)	"n" noy (is famous)
"m" muH (executes)

"'" 'aw' (stings)	"Q" Qob (is dangerous)	"q" qaD (challenges)
"D" Dugh (is vigilant)	"t" tIch (insults)	"tlh" tlhutlh (drinks)
"p" pup (is perfect)	"b" buS (concentrates on)

"ch" chargh (conquers)	"j" jaq (is bold)

and if you are unhappy with denoting vowels by words
starting with "'", one could match the LAST sound of the
syllable with the character described...
(but I leave the task of finding suitable names to those
with a computerized dictionary)

			"Dochlangan" Marc

Marc Ruehlaender	[email protected]
Universitaet des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany

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