tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 14 21:21:59 1995

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Re: Revision of help!

I wrote:
>Unless my translation differs from your intended meaning, you
>have correctly written clear, understandable tlhingan Hol.

Qogh wrote:

I'm glad I decided to put in that "Unless..."!

>This is not exactly what I wanted to say.  This is a really "painful"
>mistake! ;-)

Hey, we TRIED to warn you! :-)

>OK. Wisdom accepted.  What I was trying to say was -- "Many great
>warriors had stood BEFORE him.  Because they stood BEFORE him they
>were destroied."

>'etDaq ghaH Qampu' SuvwI''a'pu' law'.  'etDaq ghaH Qampu'mo'
>'etDaq ghaH Qampu'mo' SuvwI''a'pu' law' luQaw'lu'.
>OK I realize that's really two attempts, but did I get it right this

"Because many great warriors have stood him of at front, one destroys them."

Close.  "In front of him" would be {'etDajDaq}, "at his front".

But you're obviously translating WORDS here, not IDEAS.  The translation
of "stand in front of him" doesn't really convey the meaning I think you
want it to.  Do you want it to mean that they simply stood in front of
him?  Are you trying to imply that they challenged him and lost?  If so,
don't just imply it.  Say it.

I can understand your attachment to the words you're using.  You've put
a lot of energy into them.  But if they don't mean what you intend them
to mean, you need to let them go and find a better way to say what you

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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