tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 14 19:10:48 1995

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Re: TLHINGAN-HOL digest 294

Matt Treyvaud writes:
>mu'tlheghvam ghitlhlu'meH tera'ngan lo'lu'taHvIS, wot lo'be'lu'. "My
>questions:" chaq "are" jIlo'nIS. "bIH yu'ghachwIj:" :)

"While one uses a Terran in order to write this sentence, one doesn't find
a verb."  This sounds like you dictate your sentences to a Terran scribe.

I was whining about your [excessive, IMHO] use of {-ghach}.  You've
added a "to be" to a nominalized verb, which is [again, IMHO] similar
to putting wheels on a rowboat that was built by removing the wheels
from a wagon.  Where English often talks about things "being", I see
tlhIngan Hol focusing on action.  I believe that trying to force the
verb "question" to act as a noun goes against the spirit of the verb
itself.  Instead of "this is a question", I'd say "I question" -- or
better yet, "Answer me!"

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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