tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 14 07:31:45 1995

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Re: Q

On Mon, 13 Nov 1995, Christian Matzke wrote:
> On 13 Nov 95 at 5:17, Elizabeth C. Hoyt <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Which reminds me: has anyone ever wondered about the *names* of the
> > letters in the Klingon alphabet, rather than the sounds they symbolize?
> I had toyed with using the first noun that appears in TKD under each 
> Klingon letter. 

The first noun isn't always the best.  I'd go with more common nouns such 
as be' and chor.  Or maybe, to keep confusion down, words that are 
unlikely to be used in conversation.  However, Tengwar is the only 
alphabet that I've ever noticed to name the letters after specific objects.

> That is until I remembered that no Klingon words start with vowels

Remeber one thing:  the letters would still be written as solitary 
letters.  You are just looking for a way to represent the letters in 
spoken language.  If it were up to me (which it's not even close), I 
would use the following:

bI chI DI ghI HI jI lI mI nI ngI pI qI QI rI SI tI tlhI vI 
wI yI 'Iy' 'a 'e 'I 'o 'u

I used "I" with all the consonants because, if I remember correctly from 
the scrabble frequencies, it is the most often used vowel.

I wonder how the American Indians that Okrand has studied do the alphabet 
and if that would influence an alphabet that he might provide us.


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