tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 10 16:23:55 1995

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Re: My tlhingan Name

Garrett Michael Hayes writes:
> ...qengwI'nuH
>translatable to English as "weapon carrier"...

>1)  I know that I have shoved two words together without the space.
>Is that acceptible in a NAME?

It's probably acceptable in any compound noun, but that's not important
here.  A name can be whatever you want to answer to.

>2)  Is the construction OK otherwise?  Right order of terms, etc.?

Others have pointed out that as a word, this is backwards from the
way you intend it to mean.  But why intend it to mean that?  You
might decide you want to be known as "carry a stick" -- there's no
rule that names have to be nouns!

>...4) Does anyone have a better suggestion for conveying "spear"...

If I wanted to describe a spear in tlhIngan Hol, I might call it
{baHlu'meH naQ jej}.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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