tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 08 16:57:17 1995

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Klingon CD-ROM

Greetings from qSeroHS and vanya (Niall Hosking and Chris Atherton)

I was very interested to hear about the the Klingon CD-ROM, and the idea
of Klingon speakers being involved in the recording. As someone posted,
it would be possible for people *not* in the East Coast area to
contribute, given appropriate recording facilities. If this is the case,
and you will be utilising non-East Coast speakers, could I suggest using
speakers with somewhat different *British* accents...the
*original* :) speakers of that all of us over here aren't
doomed to pronounce our Klingon in an American might also
want to speak to Canadians too...

My accent is a fairly non-descript British accent (a mix of English and
Scots), as is Chris'...we would be more than happy to volunteer for this
project, as we have friends in the local music industry who could help
us organise recording facilities.

I feel it is important that, given the _multi-national_ nature of the
Klingon language phenomenon, that those of us from other countries be
given an opportunity to contribute.

(Did you realise that the /tlhaq/ = chronometer 'joke' only works with an
American accent?)

I would be grateful if this avenue could be pursued further.

(Of course, if Simon & Schuster felt like flying people over from
Britain to do the recording, we wouldn't object either...:)


Niall Hosking
aka Kserokhs Vaene
[email protected]

'Practise random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.'

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