tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 08 09:24:29 1995

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Re: synonims

>Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 07:00:08 -0800
>From: [email protected]

>>And some words seem to have varient pronunciation:

>also tI' and tI...
>*to fix* and *Vegetation*

>That's from the first tape...

Well, those aren't words with variant pronunciation; they're two very
different, very distinct words with totally unrelated meanings which happen
to be pronounced fairly similarly.  You might as well say that English
"bet" and "bed" (or "tie" and "tight") are the same word with variant
pronunciation; they differ about as much as "tI" and "tI'".  The other
examples were words that had the same meanings and similar pronunciations,
implying that perhaps they were the same word that acquired different
pronunciations.  Sometimes we know this to be the case, e.g. "joH" was
pronounced "jo" or "jaw" by the actress in one of the movies, since she
didn't know the H was a strong Klingon H sound, and thus was the word
"jaw"/lord born.


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