tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 05 15:32:21 1995

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re: new TKD

Any new works in tlhIngan Hol would be fine by me. A book of proverbs 
would give us (perhaps) hundreds of new examples of tlhIngan Hol. Not 
to mention the possibility of new vocab. Every time Okrand works on a 
project, we benefit. Translating these proverbs might prompt him to 
expand the meager list of adverbs, give some words such as Hoch and 
HoSghaj a more firm standing by putting them in context, or cause him 
to expand the law' puS construction to make it a little more 
accomodating. Anything is possible.
    I too would like a better TKD, one that lies flat and has all the 
new words etc. But its clear that unless we make it ourselves, it 
isn't going to happen. 

    "Had I not known that I was dead already, 
    I would have mourned the loss of my life"
                          -Ota Dokan
 (written while a knife protruded from his chest)

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