tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 21 18:13:24 1995

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I've been lurking in this mail list for a few months and I've really
enjoy it. One thing that has caught my attention is the threads about
Klingonaase.  There are several things the intrigue me:

1) I've noticed that tlhIngan Hol has some words that the roots of them
   are from earlier dialects.

2) From what I've gleamed, there are several dialects of tlhIngan on
   Qo'noS and several Klingon colonies. When a new emperor comes to 
   power his particular dialect becomes the standard of the Empire. 
   That seems to be part of the reason for strange word roots and 

I don't know of others, but I've read a Trek book titled 
"Rules of Engagement." It seemed odd that both Klingonaase and
tlhIngan were used side by side. I know that some of these (all or some)
books are not considered canon by Paramount, but it sure was
interesting to see Klingonaase and tlhIngan in the same publication.
Either a new emperor came to power causing tlhIngan to be the de facto
language or the author was drunk }};+D>.

I only have 2 weeks left at this account, so I would appreciate any 
comments and ideas thrown my way before I become Net-less. BTW, English
is my second language.

 pItlh, Qapla'

 'aj bortaS -- Flagship IKV Heghtay

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