tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 08 06:11:54 1995

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Song Translation

I attended a banquet put on by the IKV Conquest, a KAG ship in Buffalo.  They
played an assortment of "Klingon" rock and pop music.  One of the songs was
"Bravado" by Rush.  It occured to me while listening to it the other day that
it probably wouldn't be too hard to translate into the Language of Warriors.

Well, it was harder than I thought, but here's what I've come up with.  I was
able to stay fairly close to the actual words, and the song is even (kind of)
singable!  Even the title was easily translated (bet many of you didn't even
realize the negative connotations of the word "bravado"!)

Anyway, I present {toDujqoq} by {moD}.  As with anything I post here,
criticisms are expected, and I have my 'oy'naq at hand to chastise myself with
for any blatant errors.  I provide the Hol, then a side-by-side translation.

toDujqoq (moDvo')
  (bom: Lee Lifeson je)
  (bom mu'mey: Peart)

telmaj DImeQchugh
mapuvtaHvIS juHHov'a'
maSumqu'mo' maH...
rInchugh naD poH qaSchoHpa'...
Qapchugh 'oH wInajbogh
lujlaw'taHvIS Hoch
veS'e' wISuvqang
'ach lommey wItoghQo'
veS'e' wISuvqang
'ach lommey wItoghQo'

pumpu'DI' lamHom
'ej yay wItemlu'pu'...
HuD wItoSlaHbe'bogh
bIQtIq wIlenglaHbe'bogh
QI'tu' wIchIltaHvIS
veS'e' wISuvqang
'ach lommey wItoghQo'
veS'e' wISuvqang
'ach lommey wItoghQo'


'ej mevqu'chugh bom'e'
SIStaH 'e' wIQoylaH neH
batlhmaj naDmaj je
lo'be' may'meymaj Hoch
ratlhchugh muSHa'
lujlaw'taHvIS Hoch
veS'e' wISuvqang
'ach lommey wItoghQo'
veS'e' wISuvqang
'ach lommey wItoghQo'


I'll provide a line by line translation now.

toDujqoq (moDvo')                  Bravado (by Rush)
  (bom: Lee Lifeson je)              (music: Lee and Lifeson)
  (bom mu'mey: Peart)                (lyrics: Peart)

telmaj DImeQchugh                  If we burn our wings
mapuvtaHvIS juHHov'a'              While we fly
maSumqu'mo' maH...                     Because we are very near the sun
rInchugh naD poH qaSchoHpa'...     If the second of commendation is           
                                    finished before it's begun to happen
Qapchugh 'oH wInajbogh             If what we dream succeeds
lujlaw'taHvIS Hoch                 While everything fails
veS'e' wISuvqang                   We will fight the war
'ach lommey wItoghQo'              But we will not count the bodies
veS'e' wISuvqang                   We will fight the war
'ach lommey wItoghQo'              But we will not count the bodies

pumpu'DI' lamHom                   When the dust has fallen
'ej yay wItemlu'pu'...             And someone denies us victory
HuD wItoSlaHbe'bogh                A mountain which can't be climbed
bIQtIq wIlenglaHbe'bogh            A river which can't be travelled
maHemlaHtaHchugh                   If we can continue to be proud
QI'tu' wIchIltaHvIS                While we lose Paradise
veS'e' wISuvqang                   We will fight the war
'ach lommey wItoghQo'              But we will not count the bodies
veS'e' wISuvqang                   We will fight the war
'ach lommey wItoghQo'              But we will not count the bodies

toH......                          Ohhhhhhh....

'ej mevqu'chugh bom'e'             And if the music stops
SIStaH 'e' wIQoylaH neH            We can only hear the continuing rain
batlhmaj naDmaj je                 Our honor and our commendation
lo'be' may'meymaj Hoch             All our battles are useless
ratlhchugh muSHa'                  If love remains
lujlaw'taHvIS Hoch                 While everything fails
veS'e' wISuvqang                   We will fight the war
'ach lommey wItoghQo'              But we will not count the bodies
veS'e' wISuvqang                   We will fight the war
'ach lommey wItoghQo'              But we will not count the bodies

|      Sogh Qob vestai-qutvaj     | Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet | 
| Second & Communications Officer |       Klingon Assault Group        |
|      I.K.V. Crystal Dagger      |                                    |
|          Rochester NY           |     "qoH vuvQo' SuS" - qeylIS      |
|                                                                      |
|           Fidonet: Bill Willmerdinger @ 1:2613/477.1701              |
|    Internet: [email protected]      |
... Camp Dover Peace Conferences 1995: T minus 51 days and counting... 

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