tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Mar 05 14:18:32 1995

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Various Musings

I've seen several people using punctuation (commas, mostly) in sentences 
here (that is, in tlhIngan Hol sentences, not just English ones where it is
expected).  The dictionary doesn't give any rules for this, and it would 
seem to be an imposition of foreign (that is, English) usage on tlhIngan 
Hol to do that, unless somewhere Okrand has okayed this...  If he has, what
are the rules.  I would presume that MOST English punctuation would still 
be superfluous.

Oh, and to add my cha' Deq to the ongoing "E Pluribus Unum" discussion:

wa' lumoj law'wI'mey


wa' lumoj law'bogh chaH

"Chris Dicely" jiH mupong teragnanpu'
"[email protected]"Daq lulI'laH jabbI'IDmey

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