tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 26 15:03:08 1995

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Re: law'/puS

According to Silauren, Half-Elven:
> {jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbe'} is a mistake?  howso?  i can see that it is a 
> complicated sentence, and there's definitely better ways to say "Where 
> the hell am I?", but what are some objections?  

I've been out sick, but nobody else seems to be responding,

I was not part of any earlier debate on this, so far as I can
remember. Still, when I look at {jIHtaHbogh naDev vISovbe'} the
word order seems waaay bad. Basically, the location is bad
between the first two words. If the pronoun is being used as a
verb and naDev is the object of that verb, then naDev should
be first. Think: tlhIngan jIH.

If, on the other hand, naDev is being used as a locative for
the pronoun, then naDev should come first. Think: pa'wIjDaq

So there is no grammatical explanation for any link between the
first two words. Without that link, the sentence doesn't really
work. He would have done better to leave out the pronoun
altogether. One presumes that when one uses the word naDev,
unless one is pointing to a map, one is speaking of one's own

> seriously -- i hadn't noticed the problem before, and i'm curious as to 
> *why*.  one response is all i need -- don't want to open any wormcans....

Is this enough?

> --naQ'avwI'


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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