tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 23 11:36:17 1995

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{Scotland}Daq baH tlhInganpu' (Klingons in Scotland)

> Hi!
> Wow! at least there's someone in the UK on the list as well.  As I'm 
> new to klingon can recommend a book/dictionary of klingon??

There are several Scots on the List: 

vanya	[email protected]
qSeroHS	[email protected]	(Both in Glasgow)
toDbaj	[email protected]	(Aberdeen)

So far you are the first English person I've seen.

You want to buy "The Klingon Dictionary" by Marc Okrand. It usually
sells at 7.99 pounds, from Forbidden Planet, Dillons or Waterstones.

Also, there are two audio cassettes, "Conversational Klingon" and "Power
Klingon", also both about 7.99 pounds. Usually they aren't too hard to
find - I picked mine up at a railway station!

If you want to practice, there is the Klingon Language Institute MUSH
(Multi-User Shared Hallucination) for speaking Klingon face-to-face with
others, who range from beginners to experts. There are usually people
logged on, with a sizable Scottish contingent (at least six of us).
The address is:

telnet 2218

If you have any questions, feel free to mail of us!

{qSeroHS veyn}
Niall Hosking
aka Kserokhs Vaene
[email protected]

'Practise random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.'

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