tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 21 20:45:27 1995

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Wow, I'm learning stuff already.  

I think I'm pretty comfortable with the difference between aspect and tense,
but I still managed to screw it up a bit as you discovered. I particularly
appreciate you pointing out the problems with the final sentence.  That was
really instructive.  Okay, then here's the story so far in the corrected form
and with English translations too.

cha'Hu' tachDaq jIvem.          Two days ago, I awoke in a bar.
pay' pa'Daq paw cha' vaj.       Suddenly, two warriors arrived in the room.
loDnI'chaj viHoHta'.            I had (deliberately) killed their brother.
'e' vIqaw vIleghDI'.            When I saw them, I remembered that.
Sengbej ghu'vetlh.              This situation would surely cause trouble.

   Now, on to part two:

quSDaq ba'ta' vaj cha'DIch, chom yu'law'taHvIS wa'DIch.

Hopbe' quSDaj 'ach mutu'.

vaHDajDaq pu'wIj vIQeyHa'moH.

muHaDchoH ba'taHbogh loDnI'


vIHoHlaHchu' 'ej mubotlaHbe'chu'.

'e' 'ang mInDu'wIj 'ej 'e' legh.

I'm exhausted.  Please be gentle charghwI'.

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