tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 20 04:24:43 1995

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Re: klingonische Woerter

So'wI' chu'lu'Ha'

Not meaning to pick nits here (ooops, Klingons don't apollogize, sorry...
drat, did it again) but one doesn't "speak" to a passing ship, one "hail's"
a passing ship. semantics, semantics, semantics (sea man antics??).

aus gehzeichnet das du Sprechen kan (See, I can't spell in TWO languages
and now I'm working on a third!  {{;-)  ).

So'wI' chu'lu'ta'

vIta'pu'be' !!!      <- Bart Simpson was a Klingon
Steve Weaver     [email protected]

>>Subject: Re: law'/puS
>>> In other words, I am giving you a direct quote which I want you
>>> to repeat after me. It might be that you mean speak TO the
>>> passing ship, but there are clearer ways to express that.
>>That's exactly my point: I DONT want to say "speak TO the
>>passing ship". My dictionary lists the above use of "speak"
>>as a nautical expression for "exchanging information by
>>waving flags etc."
>That is quite a figurative use of "speak." You can't expect people to just
>know that you're talking about using Flag Code between two ships passing on
>the sea with just the verb, "speak," without proper context.

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