tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 04 17:52:47 1995

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Testimonial and Invitation

As many of you know, David Barron has been selflessly running the KLI's
Postal Course.  What most of you probably don't know is that the Postal
Course existed before the KLI, and that David graciously turned it over to
the KLI as one of our sponsored projects.

Over the course of the past year the KLI has distributed over ten thousand
information fliers.  Copies went out to the membership, to conventions around
the country (often distributed by other KLI members), to some bookstores, and
even to Paramount.  Many of these of course fell on deaf ears.  That's to be
expected though; there are a lot of Star Trek fans who have only a curiosity
about Klingon, but not the dedication to stick with it.  But some small
portion of the fliers produced results.  A handful of these resulted in new
members to the KLI, and for this we are of course grateful.  But a much
larger share responded to the free Postal Course.  Specifically, David Barron
tells me that for the 1994 calender year he received 426 requests for the

That's worth starting a new paragraph for just to repeat.  FOUR HUNDRED

That's a lot of work for David, even if it simply meant stuffing envelopes,
and of course it doesn't.  Far more effort and time was involved.  I filling
your mailboxes with this information not simply because I want you to know
that there are a lot of people out there with at least enough of an interest
to write in for the course, but to show you how much of himself David has
donated to promoting the language and the KLI.

There are a number of people on this list with a higher profile.  The
grammarians are very visible, as are the various people who have taken on
positions of beginners' grammarian, and then there are the folks who have
filled our mailboxes with insightful and intriguing discussions.  I'm not
saying that these people do not contribute, on the contrary, the mailing list
is an exciting and wonderful place because of them, and I pray they continue
to share their time and perspectives.  Nor am I saying that David is not
among these, for we have all seen his posts time and again.  Rather, I felt
the need to acknowledge the larger work he's been doing all along, in the
background if you will, by running the KLI's Postal Course and serving as our
Education Officer.

There are a lot of people who donate their time and energies to the KLI.  All
too often I suspect I'm guilty of fooling myself, at least for a time, that
I'm the one doing everything.  But I'm not.  While I do have my fingers in
virtually all the pies, it's still a big bakery, and I'm not even doing most
of the baking.

As we embark on our fourth year, I invite all of you on this list to join in,
share your time and expertise, help out any way you can.  Not all of you can
be as selfless as David Barron has been, nor am I asking you to do so.  But,
his example is surely an impressive one (and David, I'm sorry if this post
embarasses you, but cope, okay?).  There are already more than another couple
dozen who are similarly generous and diligent, coordinating other projects,
doing translations, reviewing articles and more.  If you're not yet among
them, feel free to drop me a note and I'll tell you how you can be.



:: Dr Lawrence M Schoen, Director   :: The KLI is a nonprofit ::
:: The Klingon Language Institute   :: tax exempt corporation ::
:: POB 634, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA :: DaH HuchlIj'e' ghonob  ::

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