tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Feb 02 16:40:26 1995

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Re: TLHINGAN-HOL digest 98

First, let me apologize -- while I thought transliterations of proper 
nouns might be a special case, I do realize that there is a "rule" about
coining original words in tlhIngan Hol.  So clearly englanDngan Hol is 
right out.

Also, to comment on the "ethnocentrism" about Federation Standard being
English: back in the days of TOS (before everyone had a universal 
translator on their shirt) there were several episodes where the crew
interacted with 20th Century Americans, in English.  Now this means 
that either the senior officers of the Big _E_ all knew Fed. Standard, 
and English, and the producers didn't feel like noting the difference,
or Fed Standard is, in fact, English.

reH yay'a' chavjaj tlhIngan wo'

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