tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 31 17:20:14 1995

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A Skit - Part One

I have finally got round to typing up a play/skit thing I've been playing
with for a while -- I would be honoured if you tlhIngan Hol enthusiasts would
read it and offer your comments on it.		

                                qa'no je leyna      (pong ru')

'ay' wa'

leyna' ('el): QaH!
qa'no : qaQaHqu'nIS'a'?  (Hagh. yev. Sagh.) nuq qaStaH?
leyna' :HIv jaghma'pu'.  law'.
qa'no (Hob): qay'be'.
leyna' (qIp): qoH SoH!  HoSchaj law' HoSmaj puS 'e' DaSov.
qa'no (yuv.): yIDoH. jIH HoS law' Hoch HoS puS. mujey pagh.
leyna' : qoH SoH 'ej bIHegh.  Dujmaj vItIj. naDev Daratlhchugh qanISbe'.
qa'no : maj. yIghoS. (HIchDaj woH.)
(pa'vo' ghoS leyna'.  Hagh qa'no.  lojmItmey SoQmoH.)
qa'no : naDev verghlu'be' Duj 'e' Sovbe'. tugh ngoDvam tu'. 'Iv qoH teH?

>mev 'ay' wa' <
English translation (so as to avoid confusion):

Act One:
leyna' (entering): Help!
qa'no: You need me to _help_ you? (He laughs, then pauses. Seriously:)
What's going on?
leyna': Our enemies are attacking. They are many.
qa'no (yawning): No problem.
leyna' (hits him*): You are a fool! You know they are stronger than we are.
qa'no (pushes her away): Back off.*** I am the strongest of all. No one can
defeat us.
leyna' You are a fool and you are going to die. I am going aboard our ship.
If you want to stay here, I won't interfere.
qa'no: Good. Go. (He picks up his weapon.)
(leyna' leaves the room. qa'no laughs. He closes the doors**.)
qa'no: She doesn't know that the ship is not docked here. Soon she will
discover this fact. Who is the true fool?
Some notes:
* - originally wanted this to be something along the lines of leyna' grabbing
qa'no by his shirt, but I couldn't find a suitable way of expressing it in
** - I intend this to really mean he's locking the doors, so no one else can
get in, but again, I couldn't find a good way to express it.
*** - Not sure if this use of "DoH" is okay.
--suggestions, critiques welcome, as always!--
This is act one of a play I never intended to write .. it just sort of
happened... There is a second part, but I wanted to get feedback on this bit,
the better of the two, IMHO, before submitting the second one.  Please tell
me what you think; I want feedback on any and all aspects of this that y'all
have to offer.
(BTW, leyna' is female, and qa'no is male. I didn't try to make that obvious,
since it doesn't really make that much difference to the plot and all.
 Thoughts on whether a distinction should be made, and how to go about it?)

Thanks muchly!


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