tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 21 04:20:59 1995

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Tell-Tale Heart

I'm working on a translation of Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Tell-Tale Heart' 
(current working title: HeS peghHa'bogh tIq - the Heart which did not 
keep the crime a secret). Are there any Poe fans out there who'd like to 
help me out? I could even post it on the list, but it'll probably be 
long, that's the thing. I'm also not going to include the English 
version, because that would make it even longer. So any volunteers would 
need to be (a) at least as good with the language as me - preferably 
better, and (b) in possession of a copy of the original story.

Anyone game? So far I've done the first paragraph, which goes like this:

HeS peghHa'bogh tIq 
	(The heart which did not keep the crime secret)

teH! jIbItqu'qu'pu' 'ej jIbitqu'qu' - 'ach qatlh jImaw' 'e' Dajatlh 
'e' Daqap? laHmeywIj Dubpu' rop. bIH Qawpu'be rop. teSwIj Dub law' 
Hoch Dub puS. <He'van>Daq bIHpu'bogh Dochmey Hoch vIQoypu' 'ej 
tera'Daq bIHpu'bogh Dochmey Hoch vIQoypu'.  <Hel>Daq bIHpu'bogh 
Dochmey law' vIQoypu'. vaj qatlh vImaw'? HI'Ij! 'ej lut naQ 
vIja'taHvIS jIjot 'e' yItu'. 

That should be a good enough sample of my translatory skills methinks :)


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