tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 20 14:43:57 1995

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Re: pongmemwIj yIleghqa'

SuStel writes:
>...In coming up with names for the characters, I have
>been avoiding names which have other meanings.  Unfortunately, all of the
>best syllables have been taken!  I would come up with a name, and then see if
>it meant anything.  I started getting Klingons with parts of their names
>meaning "sorry" or "tickle."

Why do you worry so?  Kang's name means "carry" and Maltz is "be loyal."
Kruge means "disaster."  Check out your *own* name -- trim means "cut."
The several members of this list named "Mark" aren't bothered because it
also means a written or engraved symbol, or a target, or a brand.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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