tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 19 07:44:52 1995

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Re: Need Help - Klingon Bible

>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 14:08:35 -0800
>From: [email protected] (Christoph Pfisterer)

>Hello everyone,

>I need your help. I told a friend of mine about tlhIngan Hol and she
>refuses to believe it's a real language. I told her I was in the Macintosh
>Klingon Localization Project and that the bible was being translated into
>Klingon. Well, she said she'd believe me if I brought her the bible in
>Klingon. I guess the translation project isn't quite finished yet, but I
>think some snippets will be enough to convince her. Is there someone out
>there that could provide one or two? I thought of passages like Gen 1,1-xx;
>Exo 20,1-17 or Mt 28,16-20. (I hope you use the same abbreviations over
>there in America.)

Snippets are easy enough to supply.  Take a look at and poke around.  You'll find my
translation of the entire book of Jonah (from the Hebrew), Nick Nicholas'
translation of the whole book of Mark (no relation :)), a translation of
Our Father (I think Nick's translation), and my translation of Psalm 23,
including an interlinear explanation.  I have the Tower of Babel story
kicking around here somewhere as well.


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